Chicken or The Egg

Which came first the chicken or the egg? That question is the most famous question in the world. It is also the hardest question in the world, but I’m going to scientifically answer the question using the power of math. Before we can start we must also know the most famous equation of all time:
E=MC2. Einstein said that Energy = Mass x Speed of Light Squared. What he really meant was Egg = Matter x Chicken Little floating number 2. To find the answer, we first need to get Matter by itself. We need to find the square root of E and MC2.

The square root removes the little floating number 2 and we are left with E = MC. Then we divide both side by C. Thus canceling the C in MC and the other C. Now this may look more confusing but bear with me. The little floating number 2 and the C that we removed will help you. Think about it C = Chicken and Little Floating Number 2. Chicken and Little, CHICKEN LITTLE. Chicken Little the nursery Rhyme. Nursery Rhymes have been trying to tell us the whole time. Chicken Little said the Sky was falling. What is the opposite of falling? The answer is floating. If we add Chicken Little and floating, we get Chicken Little floating. Find the opposites of those we get Egg, Big, and Falling, Big Egg Falling.

What big egg is famous for falling? Yet another nursery rhyme, Humpty Dumpty. He was on a WALL and had a GREAT fall. He was on The Great Wall Of China. Which means Humpty Dumpty was Chinese. In Fact, his name wasn’t even Humpty Dumpty, it was Hu. They just added the “mpty Dumpty” to make it more pleasant to kids. If Hu was a Chinese Egg that means that Hu came from a Chinese Chicken. That’s why chickens say Bok-Bok-Bok. Bok as in Bok-Choy, the Chinese vegetable.

When we found the opposite of Chicken Little Floating we got Egg Big Falling. Now we have to find the opposite of Hu, which is Uh. Uh is the Chinese Chicken which created Hu the Chinese Egg. Don’t forget that chicken lay eggs that turn into chickens. So Uh gives us Hu and Hu gives us Uh. Which means Chickens and eggs are 1. Don’t forget we still have number 2. 1 and 2 make 12.

If we go back to our original equation with the square root of E over C, we can see that the square root of Egg is chicken. When we have a chicken over a chicken we get 2 chickens. In division terms that would mean dividing chicken by chicken, which means 1. 1 and 2 make 12. We all know well in egg terms that 12 is a dozen. All this means is that a Dozen = Matter. And now the answer to most famous question will finally be answered. It Dozen Matter, Hu Cares.

By Sahil Prusti