Book of All Quotes is a personal blog founded with the vision of bringing you what really matters in terms of nourishing one’s mind.
The Internet is an infinite ocean of information. However, just as with everything in life, it is made up of quality stuff and junk equally. The key is to know where to look, which resources to use, and to have the patience to filter out the worthy from the unworthy so-to-speak. Regardless of the niche, to appreciate this technological phenomena one must dedicate a portion of their time to search for what interests them. Since time is a luxury one cannot afford wasting, our aim is to do that for you, albeit doing the searchings, the filterings, and bringing you just the “what matters” from each category. The subject matters range anywhere from quotes and proverbs about life to tips on love, happiness , positivity, hope, motivation and encouragement written by great minds of our time.
Our objective is to provide you with a pleasant experience that will enrich your life in some positive way, bringing you inspiration and encouragement that will ignite something within you that may change your life in a positive direction.